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Annual Fall Foliage Cruise to Adirondacks, October 12, 2019

with 29 other members of the Syracuse Corvette Club, for our annual Fall foliage cruise. Beautiful colors, good food and great friends!!! One of the highlights of the day was passing the NNYCC coming up the hill from Constableville as we were coming down! (click on photos to enlarge)

43rd Annual Jordan Fall Festival Car Show
September 22, 2019

Best Corvette to SCC member Freddy Santana (1982 Blue Gray) and Best Corvette Runner Up to SCC member Marty Thomas (1977 Orange). Congratulations to you both!!


Oswego Industries Builds Pavilion with Donation

from Syracuse Corvette Club


Hi Jim,


I wanted to let you know we had some coverage of our press release!


Oswego County Today ran the story here: It was also picked up by the Valley News in their print edition. I’ve scanned in a copy of the article so you have it on file.


Thank you again for being such a wonderful partner to our organization. We appreciate everything you and the Corvette Club do!

Rebekkah Frisch​

Marketing & Communications Associate

Oswego Industries

SCC members always look forward to the Burdick Chevrolet Car Show at Driver's Village in Cicero.

The beautiful warm sunny day was made to order for showcasing our cars. Thanks to our hosts for their awesome hospitality which included a wonderful luncheon followed by show awards.

A small recap of the day in the following photos provided by Fred Shattell.

Enjoy the following slide shows from various events as captioned.

July 14 Vettes for Pets, Mohegan Manor, Baldwinsville. Helping to raise funds for CNYSPCA (see report below)

Photos courtesy of Fred Shattell

July 13 Exotic Car Club "Rumble in the Jungle" hosted by Howard and Lyndé LaFever at their home "HowLyn Acres" in Morrisville, NY (report to follow)

Photos courtesy of Fred Shattell

June 21 Cruisin' Around the Mountains, West Dover Vt., Sponsored by Found Caravan Corvette Club, Saranac Lake, NY. Pictured is our group shot at Kitzhaus Inn and Ray Vivlemore entering one of the many covered bridges on our cruise through the mountains.

June 9 Oswego County Airport Fly-in Breakfast and Mexico VFW Car Show. (See event report below)

Photos courtesy of Fred Shattell

July 20, 2019


Our 5th Annual "Vettes for Vets" event drew 55 people in 32 Corvettes, helping us to honor our military veterans and their families, and raising $900 for Clear Path for Veterans. THANK YOU to everyone who made this day a success, including our good friends from BC Corvettes from the Binghamton area!!

Starting with a scenic cruise from Fayettevile into the hills of Chittenango, video depicts our arrival at Clear Path for Veterans.

Video courtesy of Jim Ennis

July 14, 2019

Our 3rd Annual “Vettes for Pets” event to benefit the CNY SPCA, was a resounding success, thanks to ALL who participated!! Over 100 people, 40+ Corvettes, dozens of door prizes and gift baskets, plus plenty of smiles and sunshine, all added up to make for a fabulous day. Nearly $5,000 was raised, a huge pile of paper towels and dog food was donated, and a beautiful canine ambassador potentially found her new furever home!!

Special thanks to our awesome friends from the Rochester Corvette Club who joined us, the Onondaga County Sheriff's Office for getting us safely to our destination, the dedicated volunteers of the CNY SPCA, and everyone else who contributed to this incredible event. THANK YOU!!


Photo credit to Deb Weaver

96 Syracuse Corvette Club members (driving 44 Corvettes) made a wise decision on July 4th and headed for the north shore of Oneida Lake and the beautiful home of club sponsors Jim and Sue Kimmel.  They graciously have included our club into their yearly family festivities and every year find a way to make it bigger and better for all.


The hot summer day was tempered by cool breezes off the water along with abundant shade, cold drinks, great food and good company.  The new slushy machines and fans were cranking, and the air conditioned bar with our 2 lovely bartenders was busy all day.   I was only in there once, well, twice, well maybe 3 times but you know I blame it on CRS.  


 I hope everyone had a taste of the 50 pounds

of Dinosaur barbecued pulled pork before it

was gone.  Yes, 50 pounds!  Snooze and lose!

Plus all the other excellent items on the menu

including multiple sheet cakes for dessert.   


Our hosts also treated us to some special

entertainment when SOUL MINE set up on

the covered deck.  Club member Fred Shattell

is also a member of this great band and they

did a wonderful job with their music selection.  

First class.  I heartily recommend you see

and/or hear them perform whenever you can.


Special thanks to Jim and Sue for their hospitality once again.  They certainly delivered a great day for all.  And those new air conditioned bathrooms —2 thumbs up!  woo hoo!


PS  ( My humble apology to Sue for not having a pic of her to include)

And don't forget to Save the Wave!

Submitted by Rick Rinefierd


Thirteen member cars assemble in the staging area awaiting the signal to join in the Hamilton July 4th Parade down Main Street.


Although hot and humid was the order of the day, that didn't keep the onlookers away!


Hundreds of smiling, waving people lined the street showing appreciation for our shiny machines and roaring engines!


After the parade, it was off to the Kimmel's as we cruised together on 45 miles of scenic, winding, back roads of Upstate New York.

June 9 was a beautiful day to chose from two local events listed on our SCC Calendar.

At 8am members gathered at Great Northern Mall to cruise together to the popular Oswego County Airport Fly-In Breakfast. The food is always very good, plentiful and prepared on-site by Civil Air Patrol - NY408 cadets.

This has become a fun annual SCC event for many years!

Cadets PnckBfst.jpg

Thank you to Tammie Parker for sharing some photos from another event on June 9.

Kudos to Marc Osmun for earning yet another trophy for his beautiful '59!

Hosted by the Mexico Auxillary Post 369 VFW, this was their 9th Annual Car Show!

On June 5 nineteen of our intrepid club members took off in 10 cars for a Corvette event in Maine.  The title of this event hit close to home for the SCC.  The 16th annual “Back to the Beach” Corvette Weekend show was held in Old Orchard Beach near Portland.

Many of us hadn’t heard of this event until recently and figured it was time

to check out a different “beach” event.  So reservations were made and

travel plans set.

The long weekend was fairly full of possible activities beginning with a stop

at Newick’s Lobster House in Dover, NH for dinner on Wednesday and a  

lobster/steak bake on Thursday afternoon in OOB. (2 lobsters each person

— excellent)  

On Friday we cruised to a place with a lot of history— the Portland Head

Lighthouse in Fort Williams Park.   The Light has been in continuous use

since 1791 and overlooks a spectacular part of the Maine coast.

The main event on Saturday consisted of a parade of approximately 150

Corvettes into downtown OOB.  The town of OOB appears to be very

receptive to car shows.   The main street downtown was blocked off and

filled with our cars and hundreds of spectators for 3 hours.  After that it was a short break before the evening awards banquet.  After dinner sponsor trophies were awarded and the door prize raffles, which we are all familiar with, took place.  SCC members Stan and Tracy Bush were awarded a sponsor trophy for their Long Beach Red C7 convertible.

Sunday’s weather continued the winning streak of 4 sunny days and made the scenic backroad return trip across Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont to NY State a most enjoyable ride even with the occasional construction detour.  Along for the ride were new members Jeff and Julie Mewhorter returning home after joining the SCC during the weekend.  Welcome!

Thanks to Ralph and Sandie for all their hard work putting on this show and supporting the Chip Miller Foundation.

Thanks to all our attendees for a great weekend.  Anytime there is beach walking possible is just icing on the cake.

So as they say……….


Submitted by Rick Rinefierd


10am May 25, 2019 Cicero, NY

Kudos to Todd Caputo (Sun Auto Group, Sun Chevy & Used Car King) and his team, for a great inaugural Corvette & Classic Car Show, at their new dealership in Cicero, NY. Over 60 Corvettes and numerous other vehicles showed up for a beautiful morning of friendship, fun, food, music and prizes, and to raise important funds for Joseph's House.

It was a great showing by over 70 members of the Syracuse Corvette Club (including 9 new members who joined at the event) and 47 of their gorgeous Corvettes, representing all seven generations of America's ONLY true sports car. We anxiously look forward to the next Sun Auto show!!

Photo credit: Todd Caputo


6:00 pm May 16, 2019, Brewerton, NY

The first of the summer social gatherings was hosted by The Pier in Brewerton. There was a large turnout of members, both new and established, who arrived in their beautiful Corvettes. Everyone enjoyed an ample buffet, lovely weather and lively conversation!

The following is a photo journal of the evening, compliments of Fred Shattell.

8:00AM April 28,2019 Rome, NY

Thirteen students and their instructor/ coaches  converged on a wet, cold day for the third installment of Tire Rack’s Street Survival program. The program is designed  to expose the students to some ‘real world’ driving conditions, passed what they learned in high school driver education. Some panic braking, accident avoidance and skid pad exercises to complement the classroom instruction they receive, give the students a new insight of what could happen to them, and a chance to practice recovery techniques. Eight hours isn’t long enough to cover all the material available, but another day comes to a close and everyone is looking forward to October 6th, the next class.


If you know of a new driver who would benefit from this program, remember another benefit of club membership are the two scholarships offered to children/ grandchildren of Syracuse Corvette Club members!


SCC members Dick Walters and Ray Vivlemore donated their time to this very worthwhile program; the other instructor/ coaches came from the Porsche Club of America or the Sports Car Club of America. Dennis Hesse handled co-ordination and scheduling of the entire program! The Tappet Twirlers car club again provided ‘cone chasing’ support in the cold rain again, thank you all!

Submitted by Ray Vivlemore

April 27 at 9:45 PM ·

Another incredible turnout of 17 Syracuse Corvette Club members tonight, to greet our heroic military veterans, as they returned home on Honor Flight Syracuse Mission 13. These heroes spent the entire day in our Nation’s Capital, visiting the National War Memorials that are dedicated to their service and sacrifice, defending our freedoms. THANK YOU!!

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