Syracuse Corvette Club
Celebrates 50 Years!!!

From Rick Rinefierd
A perfect summer day provided a great atmosphere for the highly anticipated Syracuse Corvette Club 50 year celebration. On June 10, 2018 just under 150 members, former members, and guests, some from as far away as Florida, made the trip to the Skyline Lodge in Highland Forest. The lodge is one of the best venues around for such an event.
If you have never been there the view from the lodge is truly spectacular and goes out for miles. The lodge itself has a large outside deck and very nice indoor surroundings which met our needs very well. As many people already know it’s a great place to hold a party. The organizational details by event planner Melanie Vilardi and the buffet by Orchard Valli catering and were extremely well done. I don’t think anyone went hungry. Eating problem? Not today. Then there were the 3 cakes for desert to top it all off!
The huge new parking lot made setting up the “50” fairly easy using 46 Corvettes without having to do much backing up. We all know how much fun backing a Corvette into a tight space can be. 72 was the total number of Corvettes for the day.
A number of people had a hand in helping organize this event and the 50th Anniversary committee certainly deserves our profound thanks. Most of us realize a lot of work goes on behind the scenes to pull off an event such as this. Just ask anyone on the Vettes At The Beach committee.
Many thanks to Mark and Sandra Deiulio for co-chairing this event. Also to Mark for flying his drone and Sandra for arranging for the cakes.
Thanks to committee members Jane Ramont, Kathy Rinefierd, Roger Preston, John Smith, Sharon Sattler, Barb Goode, and Sandra Winkworth.
Thanks to John Smith for
digging into the archives
and setting up the historical
Thanks to Mike Ramont for
setting up the slide show
using some equipment
supplied by Jim Ennis.
Thanks to Fred Shattell for
his camera work on the
Thanks to the crew parking
cars, the “50” came out,
well, looking like a 50.
Special thanks to Sharon
Sattler for making all the
center piece “wheels”.
Pic of party 1968 when forming a club was first discussed. Rich Mirra in hat 1st club president.

And a big thanks to all those who had the desire and found the time to attend this event. You were part of a very special day exemplifying why this club has been around for 50 years. It was good to see many of the past presidents together for a photo. The Syracuse Corvette Club is now and has always been full of great people bound together by surely one of the most iconic automobiles in the world and that was never more evident than on this beautiful Sunday in Fabius, NY. If you build it, they will come……..SAVE THE WAVE
Enjoy these slide galleries from the photography of member Fred Shattell